How Do You Handle Student Loans When Filing For Chapter 13?

How Do You Handle Student Loans When Filing For Chapter 13? Student Loan Debt & Bankruptcy: Strategies for Managing Financial Obligations It’s no secret that student loan debt is overwhelming for many of today’s adults. A common reason why individuals reach out to a Chapter [...]

Arizona Declared the State with the Most Confrontational Drivers

Arizona Declared the State with the Most Confrontational Drivers   When most people think about road rage incidents, they probably imagine coastal states with heavy traffic like California and Florida. Combine all that traffic with heat and a fast-paced lifestyle, and it seems like those [...]

The Lottery Curse: Are Lottery Winners More Likely To Declare Bankruptcy?

The Lottery Curse: Are Lottery Winners More Likely To Declare Bankruptcy?   Unless you were born into an incredibly wealthy family, you’ve probably daydreamed about winning the lottery at least once or twice. A large windfall of cash could get you out of debt, allow [...]

How To Tell If Your Spouse Is Hiding Assets During Your Arizona Divorce

How To Tell If Your Spouse Is Hiding Assets During Your Arizona Divorce Divorce & Hidden Assets: How To Spot Signs Of Deception During Divorce Proceedings In Arizona, couples getting divorced must divulge all assets (including inheritances) and liabilities when filing for divorce. If one [...]

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