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The Different Types Of Spousal Support In Arizona & How They Work
Differentiating The Three Types Of Spousal Maintenance
Signing for divorce is stressful and emotional, so most couples prefer to avoid long divorce trials by negotiating divorce-related matters without the help of a judge or an Avondale divorce lawyer. But, even the most serious couples can reach a heated argument when they start discussing ongoing financial support.
Spousal maintenance or alimony is money that one spouse pays to the other party for financial support during and/or after the divorce. In some cases, one spouse earns more money, leaving the other spouse without many options after the separation. In that situation, the judge may ask the other spouse (the one earning more money) to contribute financially to ensure that neither party is destitute during a divorce.
But, what are the three types of spousal support available in Arizona? How Can I differentiate them? Continue reading to learn more about it.
What Is Alimony or Spousal Support?
Firstly, you have to know the exact meaning of alimony or spousal support. As we said before, alimony is money that one spouse pays to the other spouse.
When a married couple signs for divorce or separation, the two spouses may have different earning situations. Some differences are obvious, as one simply works in a higher earning profession. Most of the time, one party takes time from work to take care of the children. According to a trusted Gilbert divorce lawyer, this is the most common situation. However, in other cases, a party may need to focus on their studies while the other works.
Regardless of the situation, one party often has an unfair economic advantage during a divorce. Since Arizona is a community property state, assets must be divided equally from the marital pot, but spousal support benefits those trying to continue with their lives.
When the marriage ends, the spouse who sacrificed work to take care of the family or studies will have a disadvantage. In some cases, the parties have different resources and there must be a transition while both start over.
Remember that the Court can order spousal maintenance depending on each case, but you can also negotiate a fair alimony agreement. This can offer a more satisfactory result for both parties.
What Are The Three Types of Spousal Maintenance in Arizona?
Pendent Lite Maintenance
Pendent life maintenance or temporary arrangement works for the lower-earning spouse because he or she can receive payments during the divorce process until the court decides the final resolution. The spouse can receive the payment either in a single lump sum payment or monthly (a Glendale divorce lawyer can help with that).
You and your spouse don’t have to wait until everything in the divorce is settled to manage support arrangements. The support issue may be the most important after you separate to support the lower-earning partner while the divorce is in process.
Permanent Maintenance
A permanent or ongoing award for spousal support is set up with no termination date. This type of spousal support is often used when one of the spouses is too old to be employed, or if the person suffers from a disability that can prevent them from working.
It’s not common, but a judge may award a spouse long-term (permanent) maintenance. The spouse will receive the payments indefinitely unless they marry another person or are financially self-sufficient.
Rehabilitative Maintenance
This is the most common kind of spousal maintenance. The judge usually orders this short-term support when the marriage is short, so it only lasts a few years.
With rehabilitative maintenance, the Court can order that one spouse pay the other long enough so the person can finish a degree or enter the workforce. The judge may order the award of this maintenance to stop once the conditions are met.
Contacting a Mesa Divorce Attorney
If you and your spouse have decided to file a divorce, one of our expert lawyers at My AZ Lawyers can help you. We offer you a reliable service to help you navigate the troubling bureaucracy of family law and give you the best solution to your marital dispute. Contact us today to start the process in the easiest way possible.
Arizona Offices:
Mesa Location:
1731 West Baseline Rd., Suite #100
Mesa, AZ 85202
Office: (480) 448-9800
Phoenix Location:
343 West Roosevelt, Suite #100
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Office: (602) 609-7000
Glendale Location:
20325 N 51st Avenue Suite #134, Building 5
Glendale, AZ 85308
Office: (602) 509-0955
Tucson Location:
2 East Congress St., Suite #900-6A
Tucson, AZ 85701
Office: (520) 441-1450
Avondale Location:
12725 W. Indian School Rd., Ste E, #101
Avondale, AZ 85392
Office: (623) 469-6603