contact a tempe dui lawyer for a free consultation
Don’t take a plea, let our criminal defense lawyers fight for your freedom. 100% Confidential Free Consultations
If you’ve been arrested for DUI in Tempe, Arizona, you have a string of stressful decisions and difficult consequences coming your way. Thus, if you are arrested for suspicion of DUI, you will be chemical tested for the presence of alcohol and other substances that can impair your driving ability. Your blood alcohol content, or BAC, can affect the charges and penalties you receive for your DUI.
Tempe, Arizona is notorious for having the strictest DUI laws in the United States. The Arizona State University home hands out the punishment for DUI Arrests including: jail time, fines, and other court-ordered punishments, a DUI conviction will remain with you for life. Additionally, a Tempe, AZ DUI makes it harder to get a job, apartment, and more. Therefore, a locally based, experienced Tempe DUI attorney can help you achieve the best possible outcome with the charges against you. With the right attorney, you may be able to have your charges dismissed, reduced, your penalties minimized, or be declared not guilty at trial by a jury of your peers. Our Tempe DUI Attorneys are the voice that you seek when fighting driving under the influence charges in Tempe, Arizona.
dui arrests in tempe, az
If you are arrested for drinking and driving in Arizona, you will be charged with DUI. However, the type of DUI charge you receive will depend on your BAC at the time of arrest and the presence of aggravating factors. Thus, if you are arrested for a BAC of 0.04-0.079, you can be charged with DUI- Impaired to the slightest degree. Whereas, if you have a BAC of 0.08-0.149, you will receive a per se DUI charge.
For a first time DUI, the minimum jail sentence is 10 days, with the possibility of up to 9 of these days being commuted. Additionally, the minimum fines and assessments will be $1,250, and you will need to complete drug and alcohol screening and education, as well as community service. Also, your driver’s license will be suspended for at least 90 days, and you will need to use an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) for at least 6 months. Therefore, when fighting DUI charges in Maricopa County, Arizona; the assistance of our Tempe DUI Attorneys is paramount.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS REGARDING Driving Under the Influence in Tempe, Arizona
Our Tempe DUI Lawyers answer some of the most asked questions from people seeking help with their DUI charges in Tempe, Arizona. Contact our Arizona criminal defense team for a free consultation.
tempe extreme dui
extreme dui attorneys in tempe
If you are arrested for driving with a BAC of 0.15-0.199 in Tempe, you will be charged with Extreme DUI, a class 1 misdemeanor. The minimum jail sentence for an Extreme DUI in Arizona is 30 days, with the possibility of 21 of these days being commuted. Additionally, your fines will start at $2,500, but the judge can impose higher fines should they find it appropriate. Also, you will also be ordered to complete community service and drug and alcohol counseling and screening.
You will face driver’s license restrictions after an Extreme DUI conviction in Tempe, Arizona. Also, your driver’s license will be suspended for at least 90 days, and you will need to use an IID for at least one year. This means you may also need to attend driving school and obtain SR-22 (high risk) auto insurance.
When you are arrested for DUI in Arizona with a BAC of 0.15 or higher, your vehicle will automatically be impounded for 30 days. Therefore, the impound lot may charge $15 a day plus an administrative fee of $150 to return your vehicle to you. If you don’t pick up the vehicle within 10 days of the vehicle becoming eligible for release, the lot may file for an abandoned title to your vehicle. Still have questions regarding a recent arrest in Tempe? Contact our Tempe DUI Attorneys for additional answers and advice. The advice and the consultation are both free. Plus, the consults are 100% confidential.
super extreme dui in tempe
tempe dui attorneys to help you fight extreme dui charges
Super Extreme DUI in Tempe, Arizona, a class 1 misdemeanor, is the increased charge for drivers operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of 0.20 or higher. The penalties for a Super Extreme DUI are higher. This reflects how intoxicated one must be to report a BAC of at least 0.20, and how this increases the risk for deadly accidents. Also, the minimum jail sentence for a Super Extreme DUI is 45 days. However, there is the possibility of up to 31 of these days being commuted. Plus, the minimum fines are $2,750. Also, community service and counseling ordered just as with lower DUI charges.
Additionally, with a Tempe Super Extreme DUI, your driver’s license will be suspended for at least 90 days after a Super Extreme DUI conviction. When you get it back, you will need to use an IID for at least one year. Just like with an Extreme DUI, you will probably need to attend driving school and obtain SR-22 insurance, and your vehicle will be impounded for 30 days. Contact our Tempe DUI Lawyers today. We can help you fight your DUI charges. Don’t take a plea! Get your charges dismissed.
tempe marijuana dui
busted for a marijuana dui in tempe?
While medical marijuana has been legal in Arizona for a few years, and recreational marijuana was recently legalized, you can still be arrested for driving after consuming marijuana. However, Arizona has yet to catch up with DUI laws regarding marijuana use. Unfortunately, there is no test for marijuana equivalent to a breathalyzer for alcohol. Therefore, frequent marijuana users throughout Arizona can test positive on these tests hours or even days after smoking, but still be charged with DUI. Our Tempe DUI Attorneys are experienced in marijuana DUI arrests. We have the experience. Contact our lawyers for a free consult on Tempe drug DUI arrests.
Bottom Line: Arizona has a ZERO TOLENRANCE for marijuana use and operating a vehicle. Therefore, any trace of marijuana in the blood can lead to a DUI arrest. If arrested, contact our Tempe DUI Attorneys immediately. (480) 833-8000. Free confidential consults.
Just as with alcohol DUI charges in Arizona, a marijuana DUI is a class 1 misdemeanor. Therefore, anyone arrested for marijuana DUI will face the same standard minimums as alcohol DUIs. Plus, these penalties can be increased if the driver was extremely high, has repeated infractions. Increases also occur if the driving behavior for which the driver was pulled over was especially severe. Fight the charges. Call our Tempe Drunk Driving Lawyers for assistance.
aggravated dui in tempe
contact a tempe criminal defense if charged with aggravated dui in tempe, arizona
You will be charged with Aggravated DUI, a felony, if you are arrested in Tempe, Arizona for DUI and one or more of the following factors are present:
- A passenger under the age of 15 is in the car.
- Also, if the driver’s license is already suspended, revoked, etc. from a previous DUI.
- The driver has been convicted of DUI 2 other times in the past 84 months.
- Additionally, if the driver has an IID installed in their vehicle.
All the factors create a class 4 felony. However, the exception is having a passenger under 15 at the time of arrest, which is a class 6 felony. Also, a felony DUI conviction in Arizona can result in up to 8 months in prison. Plus, there will also be at least $4,000 in fines, drug and alcohol screening, and community service. Therefore, you will need to complete driving school and obtain SR-22 insurance coverage. Once you get your driver’s license back, you will need to keep an IID installed in your vehicle for 2 years. Fight these charges with Tempe DUI Attorneys from My Arizona Lawyers, PLLC.
We offer free consultations. Call us now! Plus, we have a $0 down DUI option.
Why Hire our Tempe DUI Attorneys?
Depending on the circumstances of your DUI arrest in Tempe, an experienced Tempe DUI Lawyer from My Arizona Lawyers, PLLC can represent you in court without your presence. Therefore, hiring us, in most cases, will save you a trip to court. When possible, a lawyer acting on your behalf in the courtroom lets you continue showing up to work and earning a living. Plus, representing you in court is what our experienced staff of criminal defense attorneys is best. Additionally, having the representation of our DUI team, gives you confidence knowing you have an advocate on your side doing the heavy lifting for your case.