Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Guide: Understanding Discharges and How they Can Help

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Guide: Understanding Discharges and How they Can Help You can refinance your debt to get it under control or even get on a more affordable payment plan, but most people will agree that all they really want to do is get rid [...]

Driving under the Influence vs. Using a Cellphone: Which is More Dangerous?

Driving under the Influence vs. Using a Cellphone: Which is More Dangerous? We’ve all been guilty of answering the phone while we’re driving – or even of making a call or two ourselves. When you’re on a long drive or you’re stuck in traffic, talking [...]

Drivers Running Red Lights and Causing Fatal Accidents is at a 10 Year High

Drivers Running Red Lights and Causing Fatal Accidents is at a 10 Year High AAA is recommending that drivers and pedestrians use caution at traffic signals, as the number of people killed by drivers running red lights is higher than is has been in a [...]

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