Surprising Assets That Divorcing Spouses Have Fought Over In Property Division

Surprising Assets That Divorcing Spouses Have Fought Over In Property Division Our Arizona Divorce Attorneys Look At Some Of The Most Bizarre Assets Fought Over In Divorce Divorces are known for being drawn out, dramatic disputes over issues like child custody, child support, spousal support, [...]

What’s a Realistic Timeline For My Credit Score To Bounce Back After Bankruptcy?

What’s a Realistic Timeline For My Credit Score To Bounce Back After Bankruptcy? How Does Filing For Bankruptcy Affect Your Credit Score One of the primary concerns of many people considering filing for bankruptcy is how it will impact their credit score. The idea persists [...]

Can Parent Visitation Be Decided Without Involving The Courts?

Can Parent Visitation Be Decided Without Involving The Courts? How To Develop a Parent Visitation Plan With An Arizona Family Lawyer Divorce can become quite contentious – even more so when children and issues of child custody and child support are involved. Often, these cases [...]

How Do Child Custody Agreements Work With Unmarried Couples?

How Do Child Custody Agreements Work With Unmarried Couples? Family Lawyers Explain Custody Arrangements In Unmarried Couples Often, child custody disputes arise between couples who have decided to divorce. However, there are many, many families that were created by unmarried couples. Sometimes, couples who share [...]

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