Can I File for Bankruptcy Even Though I Can’t Leave My House Due to COVID-19?

Filing Bankruptcy From Home in Arizona

Even though it feels like the entire world is shut down, debt and its collection attempts are not. Whether you were struggling financially before the pandemic, or quarantining has sent you into a state of immediate financial peril, you may need the protections provided by filing bankruptcy.
Once your bankruptcy is filed, you have an automatic stay of protection. When the stay is in effect, your wages can’t be garnished, and repossession and foreclosure efforts will be halted. The stay remains in effect until your case is discharged or dismissed. If you are in need of bankruptcy protection, you may be wondering how the spread of coronavirus will affect your ability to file
Filing Bankruptcy from Home. My AZ Lawyers offers legal representation through COVID-19 by phone and compupter

File Bankruptcy From Home

On March 30, 2020, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey recently asked Arizonans to stay home unless they need to perform essential functions. Many bankruptcy attorneys offer telephonic consultations so you can avoid going into the office. Our office offers telephonic consultations free of charge. We can scan or e-mail any documents needed.  Our COVID-19 safe bankruptcy law firm is here to assist.

Steps to Filing Your Bankruptcy During COVID-19 in Arizona

Once you have retained a bankruptcy attorney, you will have to send them to your attorney so they can draft your petition. While some offices may have drop-off still available, you will likely need to remotely submit your documents. Besides filing bankruptcy from home, other options your attorney may have available include: fax, email, and an online client portal system.  Our Arizona debt relief lawyers are currently offering a bankruptcy by phone option.
Your attorney will draft your petition once they have all of your documents. They should be able to email it to you before going over it with the attorney. Offices will vary on the procedure used to sign your petition. Your attorney will then file your petition electronically. If you are considering filing pro se, or on your own, check with your courthouse to make sure that electronic filing isn’t restricted to attorneys only. You will also need to complete a credit counseling course before filing, which can be done online.

341 Hearings Being Held Telephonically

Bankruptcy filers typically only need to attend one hearing in person- the 341 Meeting of Creditors. These hearings have been temporarily suspended, and your Phoenix bankruptcy attorney will inform you on how the hearing will be handled once they hear from your trustee. You will also need to take one more online credit counseling course within 60 days of your 341 Meeting of Creditors.
Once these steps have been completed, you can remain quarantined in your home waiting for your case to be discharged. If your 341 Meeting of Creditors is delayed by coronavirus, the automatic stay will protect you in the meantime. Don’t wait until it is too late to begin the bankruptcy process- call and schedule a consultation today. You can begin your journey towards a financial clean slate without leaving your home.  Contact our experienced Arizona bankruptcy attorneys today, in this ever-changing COVID-19 climate, our attorneys and staff are here to assist.

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