Super Extreme DUI Convictions & Their Impact On Your Freedom

The Consequences Of Being Convicted For Super Extreme DUI In Arizona

You know that the limit for blood-alcohol content to be able to legally drive is .08. If you are pulled over and found to have a higher alcohol level than that, you will be arrested and charged with driving under the influence, which can carry stiff penalties, including jail time. However, what you might not know is that, in Arizona, there are “extra” DUI charges you might face, depending on how much you have drank.

A Super Extreme DUI is the charge given when a person has a blood-alcohol content of .20 or higher. If you are charged with Super Extreme DUI, you need to call the best DUI defense attorney you can find right away because if you are convicted, you will face stiff penalties. Here are just a few of the consequences you will face if you are convicted of Super Extreme DUI:

The Consequences Of Being Convicted For Super Extreme DUI In Mesa, AZ

Public Notoriety About Your Intoxication

In many counties in Arizona, officials are much more likely to post the booking photos of people arrested on DUI charges. That means that, even if you are not ultimately convicted, those booking photos can remain online forever. Any time someone Googles your name for a job interview, an award, professional membership, or any other reason, your arrest photo could pop up. It may not matter that you were not convicted. The damage will have been done. You may not even be given the chance to explain.

Big Fines

When you are convicted of driving under the influence, you will be charged a fine. For a base DUI, you can be charged a fine of anywhere from $250 to $2,500. If you are convicted of a Super Extreme DUI, that minimum fine goes up to $2,750, but you are likely to be assessed a fine much greater than that. Expect a bigger fine if there are any extenuating circumstances in your case, such as if you caused an accident, if anyone was hurt, if you caused any property damage, if any minors were in the car at the time, and so on.

Conviction & Jail Time

Expect a lot of jail time if you are convicted of a Super Extreme DUI. At a minimum, you will spend 45 days in jail. However, just like with the fine, you can be charged with much more, depending on the circumstances of your arrest. It is essential to have a good Mesa DUI defense attorney on your side to fight conviction. Otherwise, you could spend over a month or more in jail. You would certainly lose your job, and you would have a hard time getting back on your feet after you were let out of jail.

Ignition Interlock Device

If you’re convicted of driving under the influence, you will be ordered to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle – at your own expense. You will not be able to start your car without breathing into the device to prove that you are not intoxicated. Not only will this be inconvenient, but it will also be embarrassing. If you are convicted of a Super Extreme DUI, you will be ordered to have an ignition interlock device on your vehicle for a minimum of 18 months (as opposed to one year for a regular DUI conviction).

The consequences of a Super Extreme DUI conviction can have an immediate impact on limiting your freedom, including taking away your ability to drive without regulation, taking away your money, and even taking away your literal freedom with jail time. But the consequences can also be long-ranging, sticking with you for years and making it harder for you to do things like get a job, get professional memberships, and more. It is important that you fight your DUI charges aggressively. Hire the best Tucson DUI defense attorney you can to learn about your options and do everything you can to avoid a conviction.

Hire Professional DUI Defense Attorneys In Mesa, AZ

The experienced DUI defense attorneys at My AZ Lawyers are ready to help you fight your charges. Our attorneys will explore all the legal options for helping you avoid conviction. Where that does not seem possible, we will explore all options to help minimize your charges and the consequences. We serve clients throughout the Phoenix metropolitan area. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our Phoenix DUI defense lawyers at one of our many offices.


Contact Professional Family Attorneys In Arizona

Arizona Offices:

Mesa Location:
1731 West Baseline Rd., Suite #100
Mesa, AZ 85202

Office: (480) 448-9800

Phoenix Location:
343 West Roosevelt, Suite #100
Phoenix, AZ 85003

Office: (602) 609-7000

Glendale Location:
20325 N 51st Avenue Suite #134, Building 5
Glendale, AZ 85308

Office: (602) 509-0955

Tucson Location:
2 East Congress St., Suite #900-6A
Tucson, AZ 85701

Office: (520) 441-1450

Avondale Location:
12725 W. Indian School Rd., Ste E, #101
Avondale, AZ 85392

Office: (623) 469-6603

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