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Why You Should Think Carefully before Filing for Divorce
By the time you are thinking about divorce, you are probably done with the marriage. You have had it with the fighting and the lying and the money problems and all the rest of it. Also, you don’t want to have one more fight about who does the dishes and who does the cooking. Perhaps, you don’t want to feel that crushing disappointment every time your partner doesn’t come through. You don’t want to feel the overwhelming weight of stress about money. You’re just done.
But while you may be feeling overwhelmed now and ready to call it quits, you may want to step back and rethink the situation. Talk to an experienced Gilbert divorce lawyer about your options, by all means, but think carefully before you actually file for divorce. Here are a few reasons that divorce may not actually be what you want right now (and what your divorce attorney will advise you to think through before you file):
A Separation May be All You Need
Things can seem desperate when you are in the thick of your problems. It may feel like nothing changes, no matter what you do, and that there is no solution. You may feel like the only way out of your misery is to call it quits and put an end to all those problems.
In reality, you may just need time apart. A few months into a separation, you may start to feel like some of those problems were not as big as you thought they were. Or you may have a new perspective on the situation that helps you see new possible solutions. Or you may just have enough distance that you get in touch with the reasons why you fell in love with your partner again. Sometimes, all you need is a little time apart to avoid real heartbreak.
You’ll Need to Document Everything
If you do decide that you still want a divorce even after a long separation, know that the next step will be to document everything about your life. You’ll need to track down copies of your previous tax statements, your bank and credit card account statements, your investment accounts, your property deeds, your retirement accounts, and much more.
Documenting the life you have built with your spouse – including all the intricate details of your assets and debts – can be a time-consuming and tedious process. Decide whether it’s really a process you want to go through or if you feel like you can work through your problems after all.
You May Suffer Financially
Divorce can be life-changing financially. You go from having two incomes and splitting your expenses to suddenly shouldering all the expenses on half the money, or less. If you didn’t have to work during your marriage, you are going to face even bigger hardships.
Working with a good divorce lawyer in Glendale, you may be able to get a settlement that includes alimony and the right child support, and you may be able to get a strong share of the marital assets. But you are still likely to take a financial hit. Make sure divorce is really what you want before you move forward.
It May be Very Hard on Your Kids
Divorce is traumatic for children, no matter how old they are. Even if the kids get to spend plenty of time with both parents, they are still going to feel hurt and angry and betrayed. They are still going to feel like they don’t get enough of one or both parents. If you end up arguing over custody or just arguing in front of the kids – which many parents do – you are going to make it even harder for them to heal.
A good child custody lawyer can help you mediate a custody plan that is in the best interest of your children, and a good therapist can help you and your spouse become better co-parents. But make sure this is what you truly want before you put yourself and your children through that process. It will be hard even in the best of circumstances.
Sometimes, divorcing is the very best thing you can do for yourself and your family. You can finally put an end to a toxic cycle of arguing and suffering, allowing you to be happy and to create a happier life for your children. Other times, divorce is the option that people choose too quickly, without thinking through all the consequences before they make their choice. Meet with an experienced divorce attorney serving Tucson to talk through these and other issues to make sure divorce is really what’s going to be right for you.
The Mesa divorce attorneys at My AZ Lawyers are ready to help you. Our compassionate Mesa divorce attorneys can talk you through all the issues related to your divorce, helping you to understand your rights and your options. If you decide that divorce truly is the right option for you, we’ll fight to help you get the settlement you deserve and the child custody arrangement that’s best for your family. Call our office to talk with one of our dedicated divorce attorneys today. We serve clients in Phoenix, Tucson, Glendale, and Mesa.
Additional Divorce Blogs found here:
Additional Family Law Articles found here:
Arizona Offices:
Mesa Location:
1731 West Baseline Rd., Suite #100
Mesa, AZ 85202
Office: (480) 448-9800
Glendale Location:
20325 N 51st Avenue Suite #134, Building 5
Glendale, AZ 85308
Office: (602) 509-0955
Tucson Location:
2 East Congress St., Suite #900-6A
Tucson, AZ 85701
Office: (520) 441-1450
Avondale Location:
12725 W. Indian School Rd., Ste E, #101
Avondale, AZ 85392
Office: (623) 469-6603