Changes in Criminal Court Procedures Due to Spread of COVID-19

Changes in Criminal Court Procedures Due to Spread of COVID-19 Gatherings of all kinds are being suspended across the country, and the criminal court is no exception. Beginning March 17, 2020, the Maricopa County Superior Court modified its procedures for a minimum of 60 days. [...]

Creditors Can’t Garnish Your Stimulus Check- But They CAN Garnish Your Bank Account

Creditors Can’t Garnish Your Stimulus Check- But They CAN Garnish Your Bank Account     Businesses and services across the country are being forced to close, and many may not reopen after the quarantine is over. So far, 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment [...]

Long-Distance Parenting: Covering All Your Bases during Your Divorce

Long Distance Parenting: Covering All Your Bases during Your Divorce Long Distance Parenting can become a real issue once a couple divorces.  Ideally, both parents would live in the same city as their children – or at least close enough that everyday visits are possible. [...]

Filing Bankruptcy is Still Possible During COVID-19 Soc­­ial Distancing­­­

Filing Bankruptcy is Still Possible During COVID-19 Soc­­ial Distancing­­­ On 4/15/2020 My Arizona Lawyers bankruptcy attorneys and staff write: Filing Bankruptcy during COVID-19.  Check out our Coronavirus FAQ's.  Whether you were on the brink of bankruptcy before the pandemic started, or if quarantine measures have [...]

California Man Faces Battery Charges After Punching Mother for Hiding Toilet Paper

California Man Faces Battery Charges After Punching Mother For Hiding Toilet Paper If you participate in society in any sort of way, you’re probably aware that due to the spread of COVID-19, people have been stockpiling household goods such as soap and toilet paper. Some [...]

Can I File for Bankruptcy Even Though I Can’t Leave My House Due to COVID-19?

Can I File for Bankruptcy Even Though I Can’t Leave My House Due to COVID-19? Filing Bankruptcy From Home in Arizona Even though it feels like the entire world is shut down, debt and its collection attempts are not. Whether you were struggling financially before [...]

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