Responsibilities Of a Lender Repossessing a Vehicle In Phoenix, Arizona
Worried about your car being repossessed in Phoenix, AZ? Learn the lender's responsibilities & how bankruptcy could help. Get insights & legal options now!
Worried about your car being repossessed in Phoenix, AZ? Learn the lender's responsibilities & how bankruptcy could help. Get insights & legal options now!
Can I Put My Property In My Spouse’s Name & File For Bankruptcy In Arizona? The Repercussions Of Putting Your Property In The Name Of Your Husband Or Wife & Filing Bankruptcy Our Phoenix Bankruptcy Lawyers and Tucson Bankruptcy Attorneys discuss the repercussions of putting [...]
Changes in Criminal Court Procedures Due to Spread of COVID-19 Gatherings of all kinds are being suspended across the country, and the criminal court is no exception. Beginning March 17, 2020, the Maricopa County Superior Court modified its procedures for a minimum of 60 days. [...]
Creditors Can’t Garnish Your Stimulus Check- But They CAN Garnish Your Bank Account Businesses and services across the country are being forced to close, and many may not reopen after the quarantine is over. So far, 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment [...]
California Man Faces Battery Charges After Punching Mother For Hiding Toilet Paper If you participate in society in any sort of way, you’re probably aware that due to the spread of COVID-19, people have been stockpiling household goods such as soap and toilet paper. Some [...]
How Coronavirus is Uprooting Custody Arrangements The spread of coronavirus, and the shelter-in-place orders put into effect to slow the spread, have caused an upheaval in the schedules of parents across the country. This can be even more confusing for parents who split custody with [...]
BANKRUPTCY MYTH: IF I FILE BANKRUPTCY IN ARIZONA, I WILL NEVER GET CREDIT AGAIN This, of course, is a False statement. Filing bankruptcy does not make future credit unobtainable. Actually, the truth is that most of our clients who file for bankruptcy protection find it easier to [...]
BANKRUPTCY MYTH: It is too difficult to file bankruptcy. When My Arizona Lawyers provides experienced, trusted, and expert legal representation for ZERO MONEY DOWN, erasing debt may be a reality. With the assistance of the bankruptcy legal team at our law firm, our clients discover [...]
BANKRUPTCY MYTH: Only financially irresponsible people file bankruptcy. This is a myth, because not all Arizona residents who need Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection file because they are irresponsible with their money, or overspend unnecessarily. Now, if a client consults with an attorney [...]
Drivers Running Red Lights and Causing Fatal Accidents is at a 10 Year High AAA is recommending that drivers and pedestrians use caution at traffic signals, as the number of people killed by drivers running red lights is higher than is has been in a [...]