Table Of Contents
- What is does .08 mean?
- Does the .08 BAC law vary for different places or reasons?
- What do the punishments for DUI offenses look like in Glendale?
- Is the .08 percent BAC level really that dangerous?
- Does blood alcohol content vary based on different variables?
- What’s the best way to determine if I can drive after drinking?
- I need help. Who can I call?
The Meaning of 0.08!
Drunk driving is a serious problem in the United States and around the world. Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol contributes to the death of a person nearly every fifty minutes. The punishment for DUI offenses are strict in the United States as well, and Glendale, Arizona especially does not mess around with or tolerate the consequences.
What is does .08 mean?
Glendale enforces Driving Under Influence laws that prohibit a driver from operating a vehicle when they have a concentration of .08 percent or more alcohol in their blood system. A BAC (blood alcohol content) level of .08 or higher is the United States federal standard. A single shot of liquor, a twelve ounce beer, or five ounces of red wine could bring you to the .08 level. Men, women, small people, and big people tend to have varying blood alcohol content levels when drinking the same amount.
Does the .08 BAC law vary for different places or reasons?
The .08 BAC law definitely differs from place to place and for different scenarios. In Glendale, there is a Zero Tolerance policy for underage drinking, meaning that citizens under twenty-one could be sentenced for a DUI in Glendale if they have anything under .08 percent BAC in their blood while driving. Commercial vehicle drivers face stricter BAC limits and can be arrested for a DUI if their BAC is over .04 percent. Some states have strict lack of tolerance for drunk drivers and can convict someone of a DUI if their BAC level is as low as .05 percent. Such states often have serious drunk driving problems and implemented the low tolerance policy as a response to such problems.
What do the punishments for DUI offenses look like in Glendale?
Glendale DUI punishments are strict to say the least. A first time offender faces a minimum of one day up to ten days in jail, a $250 base fine, and a 90-360 day driver’s license suspension. A second time offender faces a minimum of one month to three months in jail, a $500 base fine, and a full year drivers license suspension. A third time offender faces a minimum of four months in jail, a $750 base fine, and a full year or more drivers license suspension.
All DUI offenders receive an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) that is installed into their vehicle. IID’s serve as a breathalyzer that must be passed in order to turn on the vehicle. An offender is stuck with an IID for varying amounts of time, depending on the severity of the offense.
In Glendale, specific penalties and laws are in place for people who are “Extreme DUI Offenders”. An Extreme DUI refers to a person who was driving with a BAC of .15 percent or higher. Extreme DUI Offenders are typically convicted of criminal misdemeanors. A first time Extreme DUI conviction is punishable by a $2400 accumulation of fines and a one year driver’s license suspension. Second time Extreme DUI Offenders face $1700 in accumulated fines and a one year driver’s license suspension. All Extreme DUI Offenders must instal an IID in their vehicle.
All Glendale DUI or DWI laws apply to aircrafts and watercrafts as well.
Is the .08 percent BAC level really that dangerous?
Yes, it is. If your blood alcohol content is at .05 percent, you are likely to experience symptoms such as exaggerated behavior, some loss of weak muscle control, impaired judgement, euphoric feelings, impaired alertness, poor coordination, an inability to track movement, difficulty steering, a slow response to emergency driving situations, and a release of inhibition. If you’re at the legal limit of .08 percent BAC, you are going to experience very poor muscle coordination, an inability to detect danger, poor concentration, short term memory loss, bad speed control, reduced ability to process signal detection, reduced ability to visually search, and impaired perception.Your judgement, reasoning, self control, and memory are even more impaired.
Does blood alcohol content vary based on different variables?
Yes. The amount of drinks or shots one would have to consume to get to the .08 percent BAC legal limit varies on your weight, sex, food consumption while drinking, and time that has passed between drinks. Other factors that determine a person’s BAC level include age, metabolism, alcohol tolerance, and use of prescription drugs. You can also drink the same exact amount of alcohol for two days and your BAC level could be completely different between the two days. These conflicting numerous factors could make measuring the .08 percent BAC limit difficult if not impossible.
What’s the best way to determine if I can drive after drinking?
The safest way to determine if you can drive after drinking is to simply not drive. A single drink for someone of a certain weight or sex could put them over the legal limit to drive, even if it feels like they are completely able to operate a vehicle.
There are many ways to avoid driving after a night of drinking. There are tons of ride services out there such as Lyft, Uber, and taxi companies. Some cities and towns offer free charity ride services for intoxicated people to prevent drunk driving.
I need help. Who can I call?
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My AZ Lawyers
Mesa Location:
1731 West Baseline Rd., Suite #100
Mesa, AZ 85202
Office: (480) 448-9800
Glendale Location:
20325 N 51st Avenue Suite #134, Building 5
Glendale, AZ 85308
Office: (602) 509-0955
Tucson Location:
2 East Congress St., Suite #900-6A
Tucson, AZ 85701
Office: (520) 441-1450
Avondale Location:
12725 W. Indian School Rd., Ste E, #101
Avondale, AZ 85392
Office: (623) 399-4222