Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – It’s Not for Everyone, Is It For You?

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy It's Not for Everyone, Is It For You? Unlike Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, which completely discharges your debt, Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to set up an affordable plan for repaying a portion of your debt. Following successful completion of your customized, three- [...]

Why an Avondale Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is so Well Known but Not the Best for You

Why an Avondale Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is so Well Known but Not the Best for You Why an Avondale Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is so Well Known but Not the Best for You Find out why Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in Avondale isn't so good to file [...]

Top 3 Differences between a Mesa Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Top 3 Differences between a Mesa Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy In Mesa, Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy are the most commonly filed types. Chapter 7 is a liquidation bankruptcy while Chapter 13 is a reorganization of debts. A Mesa bankruptcy lawyer [...]

3 Ways Your Avondale Criminal Defense Attorney can Help Reduce Your Sentence

3 Ways Your Avondale Criminal Defense Attorney can Help Reduce Your Sentence 3 Ways Your Avondale Criminal Defense Attorney can Help Reduce Your Sentence Find out how a criminal defense lawyer in Avondale can help with your case. Avondale, Arizona Even good people make mistakes, [...]

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